Seminar: Alternative Media and the power of revolution – with an extended version to Quito/ Ecuador and Mexico City

AR : الإعلام البديل وقوة الثورة تمديد المنتدى مع مكسيكو وكيتو
FR: Les médias alternatives et le pouvoir de la Révolution (avec FSM étendu à México et Quito)
EN: Alternative Media and the power of revolution – with an extended version to Quito/ Ecuador and Mexico City
ES: Medios de comunicación alternativos y el poder de la revolución (FSM „extendido“ en México y Quito)

Jour : 28
Slot : 2
Salle : AI

Jour : 28
Slot : 3
Salle : I109

In the first decade of the World Social Forum Process a network of alternative media established itself – especially in Latin America. The fight for communication rights and a transformation of the commercialized media sector, which hardly ever reported in favor of social movements and almost always in favor of the ruling classes owning the major media, was achieved in some countries. Since the revolutions in North Africa which were also initiated and maintained through media activists and now also with the threat of political backlash in the region, there is a widespread interest in communication rights. So time to network and exchange ideas! The seminar will hopefully be one small step in this process. We will also try to make use of the WSF extended to make a connection with Quito and Mexico City. This seminar and workshops with all the speakers will also be part of the FREE MEDIA FORUM which is taking place before (24th and 25th of March) and during the WSF.
With presentations from Deborah del Pistoia (Radio Sidi Bouzid/ Tunesia); Mahamadou Diarra (Radio Kayira/ Mali), Khaled Amami (@ccun/ Tunesia), Wassim Abidi (Nomad 08/ Tunesia), Danya Nader and Salma Said (Mosireen/ Egypt), Reem Dawoud (Kazeboon/ Egypt), Ahmed Abdel Ghani (Radio Tram/ Egypt), Wassim Beltaief (bleech7es/ Tunesia) and Zohra Tikri (Doustourna /Tunesia), Radio/ TV de Mbanza Ngungu (Victor Nzuzi/ DR Congo), Rita Freire (Ciranda/Brazil), Antonio Pacor (World Social Forum TV) and Jason Nardi (Arco Iris TV/Italy).